What you don't know is that adding to those thirteen books are three other books you could chose from at the end of the month. and because I never actually wrote reviews for them, here is a sort-of-kinda series review ;)
The Rusk University Series
First Published: 2014 / 2014 / 2015
Own Kindle
New Adult, Romance
I love Cora Carmack. She is seriously one of my favorite contemporary writers, possible the favorite when it comes to the budding new adult genre. She write sweet, cute, believable romances that value the story and the characters more than it does steamy scenes and physical attraction, which is something I appreciate when so many in the NA genre relay on sex to carry their novels.
And her newest series of companion novels surrounding the players and people connected to a Texas college football team is trademark Carmack.
To say I devoured these books would be an understatement. It took me barely a day to finish each book in the series, and I immediately wanted the next. They're just good.
They don't need excessive drama or over the top circumstances to fuel the plot, they just need their two leads--be it Dallas & Carson, Dylan & Silas or Nell & Mateo and the cast of characters surrounding them.
The stories are different, but the chemistry, journey and addictive-ness is all the same, no matter which book you chosen to read.
Honestly, when people are looking for contemporary novels, Carmack and her books are at the top of my list, every time.