2016 is an exciting year for me. SO MANY BOOKS I NEED TO READ ARE COMING OUT, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DEAL!? Easy. By showcasing all of them here in this post and gushing about them and being all around a loyal fangirl. As one does.
Get ready. We're starting.

Night Study by Maria V. Snyder
Dude. DUDE. If you've read the Poison Study series, and specifically if you read Shadow Study, you know why I'm excited for this. Maria V. Snyder caught my heart with Poison Study and has refused to let it go since. I love the world, the characters, the writing. It is life.
And this installment will include; Valek. Yelena. Finding out where they go from that ending (that was all I ever dreamed of, btw). More Janco. Commandor and Valek dynamics. Plots and schemes maybe? Valek. Yelena. Wait, did I say that already?...

Marked in Flesh by Anne Bishop
Give it to me. Give it to me now. My body is ready. My shipper heart is prepared. I will survive whatever you throw at me. So, you know, feel safe to publish it early. I won't mind.
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater
THE FINAL RAVEN CYCLE NOVEL. My heart is not ready for this. Why is it coming so quickly? What will happen to Gansey and Blue, Ronan and Adam, Noah?? By god, Maggie Stiefvater, if you kill Gansey I will... I will... Well, I'll forgive you, eventually, because I love you, but I will be very upset! I want all my babies in one piece by the end of this novel or else I shall be a sobbing, incoherent mess!

Remembrance by Meg Cabot
Where is the lie though?

This Savage Song by Victoria Schwab
I've only read one Victoria Schwab novel so far. Yes, yes, I know. WHAAT and HOOW and other sounds of exclamation. Don't worry, I plan to read them, okay? It just takes me some time. But the cover and title of this one just instantly puts it at the top of my tbr.
Like, I have this thing with titles that has something to do with songs. And a savage song? And is that a VIOLIN?! Do I even need to read the synopsis or do I just buy it when the time comes?...

P.S. I Like You by Kasie West
(And The Sun, The Moon and the Truth, though currently the publication that was supposed to publish it has closed so I'm unclear on whether it will really publish in 2016)
So, I love Kasie West. She's one of those authors I automatically buy, regardless of synopsis. Be it contemporary or fantasy, she is goals and I just can't have enough of her books. So I'll be honest - I don't know much about this book. But, KASIE WEST people. 'nough said.

Heartless / Untitled first book by Marissa Meyer
2016 is going to be huge for the Meyer fan. Which I most certainly am, even if I'm waiting with the final two book in the Lunar Chronicles for my copy of Winter to arrive.
So, we get a standalone about the Queen of Hearts - which just sounds amazing.
And then we get the start of a new trilogy about superpowers? whaaat? SIGN ME UP!
Untitled Horror by Stephanie Perkins
Huh? What is this sorcery? Queen of Fluff is writing a horror story? a HORROR story? What is life at the moment? And more to the point - when does it come out so I can experience it? Am I hesitant? Sure. But am I also beyond psyched for this? HECK YEAH!