This time, I decided I will share with you my two cents on DNF reviews. Some people and bloggers are against these type of reviews (or at the very least, they don't participate in them), because how can you review something you never reached the "point" of? I am not among those.
I write DNF reviews - and when I write them, I do not review the book. I review the reasons I could not finish it. And I write them for several reasons.
The first is, I believe that if a person couldn't finish a book, it is equally important to share the reasons why as it is to explain what you loved/hated about a book you did finish. After all, as readers, we aspire to finish every story we start - so what went wrong?
The second is, this blog is first and foremost my home on the internet. My place to be me and share my opinions and thoughts. Everything I write here is strictly subjective. And I am someone who loves having opinions. I am someone who spent all her teen years stifling her opinions and thoughts and fading into the background. Being afraid to speak or voice them in fear someone will get hurt or look down at me because of them.
As such, I have spent the years after that trying to regain my voice. Trying to be comfortable enough with speaking up, first by gaining a group of friends who would hit me if I ever hid my opinions from them and who respected them no matter if they differed than their own, and by opening my first blog (and, consequently, this one). In fact, being able to freely share this information with you guys is, to me, an indication of how much I've changed and opened up.
As a person, I am an individual that basks in talking. I love ranting. The only way I find I can relieve myself of anger and frustration is if I talk about it. I rant and complain and grumble until the wind has been let out of my sails and it doesn't matter anymore.
Same goes with books.
If I read a story that I was disappointed in. That infuriated me. That bored me to death. That made me unable to finish it - the only way I can shake the bad energy is by speaking of it.
But don't worry - I don't review every book I DNF (same as I don't review every book I read). If I have nothing in particular to say about the book, if I don't have clear reasons for not finishing it, if it's a book that's simply not for me but I understand the love towards it, then I won't review it. In those cases, I usually leave a couple of words on GR, but nothing more than that.
If you don't like DNF reviews, that's alright. I guarantee every such review will be clearly marked in the title, so you could avoid them completely. But if those are to your tastes, you can expect them, and you can expect them to be rants. And... you can expect gifs. Lots of them.